Township Assessor ~ Jessica Landry, MAAO
Township Assessor ~ Jessica Landry, MAAO

Property Assessment Parcel Search
Property Assessment Parcel Search
The property assessment record online search is managed by our software vendor, BS&A software. You will be required to create an account through their website to access the property assessment data.
First, navigate to their general website, http://www.bsaonline.com and select a Municipality (a County, Township, or City). You can then search by name, address, or parcel number to find your property. If you find your parcel, you can view some of the details, but for all the details, our software vendor may charge a small fee through your account. If you are unable to find the data you are looking for, you can request a copy of an assessment card below.
When searching, it says “Search: Assessing By: Name”. Some units have the ability to search other programs, such as Tax. Please ensure you are searching the correct program you are intending.
CLICK HERE to be directed to BSAonline.com.
CLICK HERE to request an assessment card from your assessor.